aka: Firefly Pose
The Firefly Pose, or Tittibhasana, is an advanced asana for yogis at an intermediate or advanced level.
In Tittibhasana, tittibha is the Sanskrit word for "firefly." The posture resembles the insect in flight.
Firefly Pose provides the following benefits:
* Stronger core and arm strength
* Improved balance
* Greater flexibility in the legs, back, and groins
Step Into the Pose
1. Get into a squat position, knees just barely hip-distance apart.
2. Move forward until your torso is between your knees.
3. Slowly straighten your legs, drawing the pelvis upward.
4. Move your arms to the underneath of each leg, right by the knee. Position each shoulder just under the knee, hands stretched outward.
5. Draw the belly in as you raise yourself off the floor, thighs supported by the arms.
6. As you go through a couple of breath cycles, extend your legs out to either side as far as is comfortable for you.
7. When you release the pose, do so from the core, not as a swinging motion of the legs.
Beginner Tips
If you have wrist, back, or shoulder injuries, do not perform this pose. To support the wrists, place your hands on a rolled-up yoga mat or a sponge-like ball cut in half.
Anatomical Focus
* Wrists
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* Stretches the inner groins and back torso
* Strengthens the arms and wrists
* Tones the belly
* Improves sense of balance
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Contraindications and Cautions
Shoulder, elbow, wrist and low back injuries
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Beginner's Tip
You can approximate this pose by sitting on the floor, legs spread to a ninety-degree angle, elevating each heel on a block, and pressing your palms into the floor between your legs.
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Preparatory Poses
* Garudasana (arms only)
* Malasana
* Bakasana
* Baddha Konasana
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Follow-Up Poses
* Uttanasana
* Adho Mukha Svanasana
* Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
* Wrists
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* Stretches the inner groins and back torso
* Strengthens the arms and wrists
* Tones the belly
* Improves sense of balance
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Contraindications and Cautions
Shoulder, elbow, wrist and low back injuries
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Beginner's Tip
You can approximate this pose by sitting on the floor, legs spread to a ninety-degree angle, elevating each heel on a block, and pressing your palms into the floor between your legs.
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Preparatory Poses
* Garudasana (arms only)
* Malasana
* Bakasana
* Baddha Konasana
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Follow-Up Poses
* Uttanasana
* Adho Mukha Svanasana
* Urdhva Mukha Svanasana