aka: High Lunge
vrksa = tree
Step Into the Pose
From Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend), bend your knees and, with an inhale, step your left foot back toward the back edge of your mat, with the ball of the foot on the floor. Step back far enough so that your right knee can form a right angle.
Lay your torso on your front thigh and lengthen it forward. To soften your right groin, imagine that the thigh is sinking toward the floor under your torso's weight. Look forward. Simultaneously, firm the left thigh and push it up toward the ceiling, holding the left knee straight. Stretch your left heel toward the floor.
Exhale and step your right foot back beside the left. Repeat the above instructions, but reverse left and right. Or come into Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog), inhale, and step the right foot forward between your hands.
Beginner Tips
Advanced Tips
Anatomical Focus
* Groins
* Thighs
* Calves
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Therapeutic Applications
* Indigestion
* Constipation
* Sciatica
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* Stretches the groins
* Strengthens the legs and arms
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Contraindications and Cautions
* Any serious knee injuries
* Neck problems (look down at the floor instead of straight ahead)
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Beginner's Tip
To hold this pose longer, wedge a block between the floor and the back leg.
* Groins
* Thighs
* Calves
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Therapeutic Applications
* Indigestion
* Constipation
* Sciatica
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* Stretches the groins
* Strengthens the legs and arms
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Contraindications and Cautions
* Any serious knee injuries
* Neck problems (look down at the floor instead of straight ahead)
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Beginner's Tip
To hold this pose longer, wedge a block between the floor and the back leg.