aka: The lotus pose
padma = lotus
The lotus pose, or padmasana, relinquishes the mind's hold on the body. This is the position that many yogis move into before meditating.
The root of padmasana, padma, means, "lotus" in Sanskrit. The lotus flower is used as a symbol of peace and enlightenment. This asana requires patience and practice, but returns many benefits:
* Activation of the abdomen, inner groins, and spine
* Extended stretch for the knees, ankles, and hips
* Reduced menstrual pain and childbirth
* Increased clarity
Serious yogis believe this posture is the first step to releasing the kundalini, or spirit.
Step Into the Pose
1. Begin in a general seated position, legs straight out in front of you
2. Bend down and pull right leg up, curving at the hip joint, not at the knee
3. Rest your right foot in the crook of your left arm, the right knee in the crook of your right arm, and relax
4. Slowly place your right foot on top of your left thigh, right knee on the floor
5. Draw the left leg up, and repeat the sequence
6. Place your hands and fingertips in jnana mudra (as shown above)
Make sure to alternate the cross of the outer leg at each practice to not place too much stress on a particular hip joint.
Beginner Tips
This asana is considered an intermediate or advanced pose. Work your way toward flexibility by crossing legs in a normal fashion and gradually placing the feet onto the thighs.You can also support yourself by using a block or rolled blanket under your knees.
Don't rush the physical advancement of lotus pose. Ease into the various stages your body allows, and focus on calming the mind.
Advanced Tips
Bend forward from the hips and rest your arms and head on the floor.
Twist the body.
Anatomical Focus
* Spine
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Therapeutic Applications
* Sciatica
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* Calms the brain
* Stimulates the pelvis, spine, abdomen, and bladder
* Stretches the ankles and knees
* Eases menstrual discomfort and sciatica
* Consistent practice of this pose until late into pregnancy is said to help ease childbirth.
* Traditional texts say that Padmasana destroys all disease and awakens kundalini.
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Contraindications and Cautions
* Ankle injury
* Knee injury
* Padmasana is considered to be an intermediate to advanced pose. Do not perform this pose without sufficient prior experience or unless you have the supervision of an experienced teacher.
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Beginner's Tip
During the cradle warm-up the outer ankle is often overstretched. Push through the inner edge of the foot against the upper arm to equalize the two ankles. Then when you bring the foot across into the opposite groin, see that you maintain this even stretch of the inner and outer ankles.
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Matsyasana (pronounced mot-see-AHS-anna, matsya = fish), dedicated to one of the 10 main incarnations of the god Vishnu, the fish.
Perform Padmasana. Then hold your feet with the opposite-side hands, lift your chest, and extend your neck and head. Slowly lean back with an exhalation until the crown of your head touches the floor. Cross the forearms, clasp the elbows with the opposite hands, and swing the forearms overhead, onto the floor. Take a few breaths. Finally, release the torso fully onto the floor and stretch the arms out on the floor, parallel to each other. Hold for 30 seconds to a minute. Inhale to come up, leading with the sternum and keeping the head back. Repeat with the other leg on top for the same length of time.
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Modifications and Props
Matsyasana (pronounced mot-see-AHS-anna, matsya = fish), dedicated to one of the 10 main incarnations of the god Vishnu, the fish.
A preliminary step on the way to full Padmasana is Ardha Padmasana (pronounced ARE-dah, ardha = half). After bringing the first leg into position, as described above, simply slip the lower leg under the upper and the foot to the outside of the opposite hip. If the upper leg knee doesn't rest comfortably on the floor, support it with a thickly folded blanket. As with its companion, be sure to work with both leg crosses for the same length of time during each practice session.
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Preparatory Poses
* Ardha Matsyendrasana
* Baddha Konasana
* Janu Sirsasana
* Virasana
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Follow-Up Poses
* Adho Mukha Svanasana
* Supta Padangusthasana
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Deepen The Pose
When using Padmasana as a seat for meditation or pranayama, there's a tendency for students to cross their legs in the same way day after day. Eventually this can lead to distortions in the hips. If you are regularly using this pose as a platform for meditation or formal breathing, be sure to alternate the cross of the legs daily. One simple method to help you remember to do this is to bring the right leg in first on even-numbered days, the left leg first on odd-numbered days.
* Spine
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Therapeutic Applications
* Sciatica
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* Calms the brain
* Stimulates the pelvis, spine, abdomen, and bladder
* Stretches the ankles and knees
* Eases menstrual discomfort and sciatica
* Consistent practice of this pose until late into pregnancy is said to help ease childbirth.
* Traditional texts say that Padmasana destroys all disease and awakens kundalini.
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Contraindications and Cautions
* Ankle injury
* Knee injury
* Padmasana is considered to be an intermediate to advanced pose. Do not perform this pose without sufficient prior experience or unless you have the supervision of an experienced teacher.
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Beginner's Tip
During the cradle warm-up the outer ankle is often overstretched. Push through the inner edge of the foot against the upper arm to equalize the two ankles. Then when you bring the foot across into the opposite groin, see that you maintain this even stretch of the inner and outer ankles.
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Matsyasana (pronounced mot-see-AHS-anna, matsya = fish), dedicated to one of the 10 main incarnations of the god Vishnu, the fish.
Perform Padmasana. Then hold your feet with the opposite-side hands, lift your chest, and extend your neck and head. Slowly lean back with an exhalation until the crown of your head touches the floor. Cross the forearms, clasp the elbows with the opposite hands, and swing the forearms overhead, onto the floor. Take a few breaths. Finally, release the torso fully onto the floor and stretch the arms out on the floor, parallel to each other. Hold for 30 seconds to a minute. Inhale to come up, leading with the sternum and keeping the head back. Repeat with the other leg on top for the same length of time.
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Modifications and Props
Matsyasana (pronounced mot-see-AHS-anna, matsya = fish), dedicated to one of the 10 main incarnations of the god Vishnu, the fish.
A preliminary step on the way to full Padmasana is Ardha Padmasana (pronounced ARE-dah, ardha = half). After bringing the first leg into position, as described above, simply slip the lower leg under the upper and the foot to the outside of the opposite hip. If the upper leg knee doesn't rest comfortably on the floor, support it with a thickly folded blanket. As with its companion, be sure to work with both leg crosses for the same length of time during each practice session.
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Preparatory Poses
* Ardha Matsyendrasana
* Baddha Konasana
* Janu Sirsasana
* Virasana
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Follow-Up Poses
* Adho Mukha Svanasana
* Supta Padangusthasana
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Deepen The Pose
When using Padmasana as a seat for meditation or pranayama, there's a tendency for students to cross their legs in the same way day after day. Eventually this can lead to distortions in the hips. If you are regularly using this pose as a platform for meditation or formal breathing, be sure to alternate the cross of the legs daily. One simple method to help you remember to do this is to bring the right leg in first on even-numbered days, the left leg first on odd-numbered days.