aka: Bow
dhanu = bow
This pose is so called because it looks like an archer's bow, the torso and legs representing the body of the bow, and the arms the string.
Exercise: Spread your toes and press through the ball of the big toe. Only the belly should meet the floor. Draw your shins in and keep your thighs parallel. You can rock back and forth if you feel it.
Physical Benefit: Helps open the chest and throat.
The Bow Pose
The Bow Pose, or Dhanurasana, represents the archer's bow, body curved in the shape of the bow, the arms connecting like the bow's string.
The root of dhanurasana, dhanu, means "bow" in Sanskrit. Practitioners believe that bow pose enables mental stimulation so much, regular practice will ensure energy and vitality.
Other benefits associated with bow pose include:
* Helpful extension of the spine
* Full stretch of the front of the body and the back
* Expands the chest to help relieve respiratory problems.
* Strengthens the abdomen.
If you have hernia or back problems, or are pregnant, do not perform bow pose.
Step Into the Pose
To Perform Bow Pose
1. Lie on your stomach, arms at your sides, palms up, legs hip-width apart.
2. On an exhale, bend your knees, bringing the feet as close to the buttocks as possible.
3. Reach back and take hold of your ankles.
4. Inhale, and then, on an exhale, slowly draw the thighs up off the floor, arms straightened behind you.
5. As you lift your legs, your torso will naturally expand, but keep the shoulder blades moving down into the back.
6. Hold this pose with your head held up, following the natural curve of the spine, for about 20-to-30 seconds.
Beginner Tips
If you are not that flexible at first, use a bolster or a rolled up blanket under your thighs and chest to help you ease into the pose.
Remember, respect your body's accessibility to this pose. Focus on keeping the posture even by lifting the legs and torso gradually, a bit at a time, but never one or the other.
Never grasp the tops of the feet or bend the arms.
Advanced Tips
Continue to curve the body until your feet rest on the top of your head.
Anatomical Focus
* Thighs
* Groins
* Belly
* Chest
* Spine
* Shoulders
* Neck
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Therapeutic Applications
* Constipation
* Respiratory ailments
* Mild backache
* Fatigue
* Anxiety
* Menstrual discomfort
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* Stretches the entire front of the body, ankles, thighs and groins, abdomen and chest, and throat, and deep hip flexors (psoas)
* Strengthens the back muscles
* Improves posture
* Stimulates the organs of the abdomen and neck
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Contraindications and Cautions
* High or low blood pressure
* Migraine
* Insomnia
* Serious lower-back or neck injury
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Beginner's Tip
Sometimes beginners find it difficult to lift their thighs away from the floor. You can give your legs a little upward boost by lying with your thighs supported on a rolled-up blanket.
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A variation of Dhanurasana is called Parsva (parsva = side, flank) Dhanurasana. Perform Dhanurasana according to the instructions in the main description above. Then with an exhalation, dip your right shoulder toward the floor, strongly tug your left foot to the right, and roll over onto your right side. Students often have a difficult time rolling over for the first few times they make the attempt. Don't despair. You can practice rolling onto your side without holding your ankles. Just bend your knees and use your hands to help you get a feel for the rolling movement. Stay on your right side for 20 to 30 seconds, then, as you exhale, roll across your belly and over to the left. Stay here the same length of time, and finally roll back onto your belly with an exhalation. Parsva Dhanurasana gives a good massage to your abdominal organs.
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Modifications and Props
If it isn't possible for you to hold your ankles directly, wrap a strap around the fronts of your ankles and hold the free ends of the strap, keeping your arms fully extended.
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A partner can help you work on a preparation for Dhanurasana. Perform step 1 in the description above. Have your partner kneel on the floor behind you, with his inner knees bracing your outer knees. Inhale and lift your upper torso off the floor by pulling your heels away from your buttocks, but keep your thighs on the floor. Your partner should then take hold of the backs of your ankles. Hang your torso from your partner's support, but be sure that he doesn't pull you any deeper into the pose. When you're ready for more, lift yourself up. Your partner's presence is merely to support whatever lift you create on your own.
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Preparatory Poses
* Bhujangasana
* Salabhasana
* Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
* Supta Virasana
* Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
* Virasana
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Follow-Up Poses
* Matsyasana
* Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
* Urdhva Dhanurasana
* Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
* Ustrasana
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Deepen The Pose
You can increase the challenge of Dhanurasana by performing the pose with your thighs, calves, and inner feet touching.
* Thighs
* Groins
* Belly
* Chest
* Spine
* Shoulders
* Neck
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Therapeutic Applications
* Constipation
* Respiratory ailments
* Mild backache
* Fatigue
* Anxiety
* Menstrual discomfort
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* Stretches the entire front of the body, ankles, thighs and groins, abdomen and chest, and throat, and deep hip flexors (psoas)
* Strengthens the back muscles
* Improves posture
* Stimulates the organs of the abdomen and neck
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Contraindications and Cautions
* High or low blood pressure
* Migraine
* Insomnia
* Serious lower-back or neck injury
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Beginner's Tip
Sometimes beginners find it difficult to lift their thighs away from the floor. You can give your legs a little upward boost by lying with your thighs supported on a rolled-up blanket.
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A variation of Dhanurasana is called Parsva (parsva = side, flank) Dhanurasana. Perform Dhanurasana according to the instructions in the main description above. Then with an exhalation, dip your right shoulder toward the floor, strongly tug your left foot to the right, and roll over onto your right side. Students often have a difficult time rolling over for the first few times they make the attempt. Don't despair. You can practice rolling onto your side without holding your ankles. Just bend your knees and use your hands to help you get a feel for the rolling movement. Stay on your right side for 20 to 30 seconds, then, as you exhale, roll across your belly and over to the left. Stay here the same length of time, and finally roll back onto your belly with an exhalation. Parsva Dhanurasana gives a good massage to your abdominal organs.
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Modifications and Props
If it isn't possible for you to hold your ankles directly, wrap a strap around the fronts of your ankles and hold the free ends of the strap, keeping your arms fully extended.
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A partner can help you work on a preparation for Dhanurasana. Perform step 1 in the description above. Have your partner kneel on the floor behind you, with his inner knees bracing your outer knees. Inhale and lift your upper torso off the floor by pulling your heels away from your buttocks, but keep your thighs on the floor. Your partner should then take hold of the backs of your ankles. Hang your torso from your partner's support, but be sure that he doesn't pull you any deeper into the pose. When you're ready for more, lift yourself up. Your partner's presence is merely to support whatever lift you create on your own.
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Preparatory Poses
* Bhujangasana
* Salabhasana
* Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
* Supta Virasana
* Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
* Virasana
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Follow-Up Poses
* Matsyasana
* Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
* Urdhva Dhanurasana
* Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
* Ustrasana
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Deepen The Pose
You can increase the challenge of Dhanurasana by performing the pose with your thighs, calves, and inner feet touching.